Superhero Flicks Are Not Our New Westerns


Recently, WB announced their slate of superhero movies through 2019, perpetuating this ridiculous genre for another endless cycle. A lot of very smart people have been persistent in drawing an analogy about this, saying that for its longevity and frivolity, the superhero genre is the new western. As a lover of westerns and a hater of superhero movies, I gotta step in here.

I get the facile rationale—both are ‘low’ genres that occupy a disproportionately large space in the cinematic marketplace; both are marketed at American adolescent boys; both are concerned with matters of good and evil solved through third act duels. But in the words of Matt Zoller Seitz: “Where’s Ford and Leone?

Continue reading Superhero Flicks Are Not Our New Westerns

Advice Column #5 (4/15/13)

Any recent good overlooked action movies? I liked The Raid but haven’t seen much else worth a damn. – John T.

John D’Amico: Short answer: yes. Long answer: yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes.

Editor’s Note (12/4/14): We no longer answer movie questions through our advice column. We answer them in the mailbag segment of our podcast. Send them to and we will answer on the show!
Continue reading Advice Column #5 (4/15/13)