Enjoy the fact that we exist? Wish you could help us not starve to death or disappear one day? Here are some great ways to show your love and support:
Like us on Facebook, Follow us on Twitter
There are tons of sites out there that artificially inflate their Facebook likes, and Twitter followers, and Web traffic. We are not one of them. And so, our numbers may be a lot lower than most. But they’re honest. We keep them honest because we don’t particularly care about numbers. Quoth The Wire, “We’re building something here, and all the pieces matter.” We genuinely want to build a community with you. So let us know you’re out there. Because otherwise, we’re standing on a theater stage, staring out into darkness. ‘Liking’ us and ‘following’ us helps bring those houselights up a bit.
Buy Movies We Like on Amazon
In our posts, whenever we mention a movie by title, it’s an underlined link. If you click said link, you’ll travel to the Amazon page for the movie. If, when you’re there, you buy the movie, we get a monetary kickback from Amazon, at absolutely no extra cost to you. Same goes for those Amazon ad rectangle thingies at the end of some posts. And, for anything in the gallery of our favorite movies.
Just Plain Tell People We Exist
Simple as that. Get the word out to friends you think might dig us. Word of mouth trumps all. There’s nothing more effective. (Except, I guess, fascism. But we don’t want to resort to that just yet.) Seriously though, it’s the absolute best way you can help us, so to those of you who do it, our deepest thanks.