Jenna Does Elvis #14 – Speedway (1968) / Live a Little, Love a Little (1968)


Wow guys, this is really winding down. I have only five more Elvis movies left, and my heart is feeling a bit heavy.

Now we’re getting into 1968, better known as the year Elvis released his ’68 Comeback Special and blew away the entire world by not just for looking spectacular in an all black leather outfit, but for performing actually good music. If you haven’t watched the comeback special, I highly recommend it—this is Elvis live for the first time since 1960, and boy does he bring it. But, just before Elvis got his groove back, two movies came out before it that year:

Continue reading Jenna Does Elvis #14 – Speedway (1968) / Live a Little, Love a Little (1968)

Jenna Does Elvis #3 – G.I. Blues (1960) / Flaming Star (1960)


When we last spoke I’d seen King Creole, a movie I greatly enjoyed. After King Creole, Elvis was shipped off to the army, his mother died, he met his future wife Priscilla, and he picked up an unhealthy addiction to barbiturates. Couple that with John Lennon’s famous “Elvis died when he went into the army” quote, and it seemed I might be in for a precipitous  drop in quality.

I was feeling optimistic though, I mean the last two were fun. And while none of the films so far has been life-alteringly great, none of it’s been unwatchable either. Granted, my tolerance for the unwatchable is notoriously high, but still—so far, this journey has quite honestly been slightly better than anticipated.

Continue reading Jenna Does Elvis #3 – G.I. Blues (1960) / Flaming Star (1960)