Advice Column #12 (5/2/14)


Obviously he’s pretty singular, but is there anything else kinda Weir-y like The Mosquito Coast & The Year of Living Dangerously? — Charles W.

Editor’s Note (12/4/14): We no longer answer movie questions through our advice column. We answer them in the mailbag segment of our podcast. Send them to and we will answer on the show!

Continue reading Advice Column #12 (5/2/14)

Advice Column #10 (7/19/13)

Do ‘so bad it’s good’ movies, e.g., The Room or Troll 2, represent an ultimate artistic triumph, or a complete failure? – Scott F.

Editor’s Note (12/4/14): We no longer answer movie questions through our advice column. We answer them in the mailbag segment of our podcast. Send them to and we will answer on the show!
Continue reading Advice Column #10 (7/19/13)

Advice Column #8 (5/6/13)

Dramas that will scare me. Not horror movies. Tense things about actual people and stuff that is just horrifying, but not in a BOO! way. Hard to explain. – Bill E.

Editor’s Note (12/4/14): We no longer answer movie questions through our advice column. We answer them in the mailbag segment of our podcast. Send them to and we will answer on the show!
Continue reading Advice Column #8 (5/6/13)

Advice Column #6 (4/22/13)

Hottest naked female on screen ever, please. Thanks! – Jason B.

Cody Clarke: This is such an easy question to answer. There are thousands and thousands of possible picks, all of them completely valid. But I’m gonna go way out of left field here with an obscure, underdog as fuck choice: (NSFW, obviously)

Editor’s Note (12/4/14): We no longer answer movie questions through our advice column. We answer them in the mailbag segment of our podcast. Send them to and we will answer on the show!
Continue reading Advice Column #6 (4/22/13)

Advice Column #5 (4/15/13)

Any recent good overlooked action movies? I liked The Raid but haven’t seen much else worth a damn. – John T.

John D’Amico: Short answer: yes. Long answer: yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes.

Editor’s Note (12/4/14): We no longer answer movie questions through our advice column. We answer them in the mailbag segment of our podcast. Send them to and we will answer on the show!
Continue reading Advice Column #5 (4/15/13)