Smug Film Podcast Episode #39 – Monsters: Dark Continent / Nitpicking Movies / ‘African Queen’ Romance / (7/27/15)

Episode 391:14:05 | View on iTunes | Download Mp3

On this episode, John D’Amico, Jenna Ipcar and I discuss the film Monsters: Dark Continent, the phenomenon of nitpicking movies, and ‘African Queen‘ romance. Plus, Chloe Pelletier with a review of Ted 2, and a voicemail from a fan named Anthony! If you have a question or comment that you’d like answered/played on the show, call our voicemail box at 718-395-9711, and be sure to leave your name as well!
Continue reading Smug Film Podcast Episode #39 – Monsters: Dark Continent / Nitpicking Movies / ‘African Queen’ Romance / (7/27/15)

Jenna Does Elvis #14 – Speedway (1968) / Live a Little, Love a Little (1968)


Wow guys, this is really winding down. I have only five more Elvis movies left, and my heart is feeling a bit heavy.

Now we’re getting into 1968, better known as the year Elvis released his ’68 Comeback Special and blew away the entire world by not just for looking spectacular in an all black leather outfit, but for performing actually good music. If you haven’t watched the comeback special, I highly recommend it—this is Elvis live for the first time since 1960, and boy does he bring it. But, just before Elvis got his groove back, two movies came out before it that year:

Continue reading Jenna Does Elvis #14 – Speedway (1968) / Live a Little, Love a Little (1968)

Jenna Does Elvis #13 – Clambake (1967) / Stay Away, Joe (1968)


When I first mentioned to Cody that I was going to start this project, his immediate reaction was “Have you seen Clambake!?” The title alone was enough to sell me, but no, I had not heard of this gloriously titled film. Cody couldn’t really remember what Clambake was about, just that it’s bizarre and fun, so all I could hope and expect was that it was just Elvis hangin’ all day at a sweet ass clambake, full of bikini-clad revelers, Beach Boys ripoff songs, and clams a-bakin’.

Well, I wasn’t too far off. Little did I know the horror that was lurking around the corner, though…

Continue reading Jenna Does Elvis #13 – Clambake (1967) / Stay Away, Joe (1968)

Jenna Does Elvis #8 – Viva Las Vegas (1964) / Roustabout (1964)


I’ve hit another milestone—Viva Las Vegas! Now we’re getting into Elvis’ second wind, as both of the following films include well-known leading ladies—Ann-Margret in Vegas and Barbara Stanwyck in Roustabout. I’ve gotta say, having at least one other good actor in these Elvis movies improves them tenfold. Elvis isn’t bad on his own, but when he’s surrounded by blandness—in the script and otherwise—he tends to turn off. These films aren’t going to win a MENSA award anytime soon, but you’d think the producers would have made more of an effort to keep them enjoyable. Both Ann-Margret and Barbara Stanwyck really help elevate both films into the ‘watchable’ category:

Continue reading Jenna Does Elvis #8 – Viva Las Vegas (1964) / Roustabout (1964)

Jenna Does Elvis #7 – Fun in Acapulco (1963) / Kissin’ Cousins (1964)


I can see the boardroom meeting now:

“Listen men, we need a fresh spin for these Elvis movies. Cranking out ‘[insert occupation] Elvis’ films three times a year is all good and fine, but we need to be one step ahead—this rustling overseas from England is making me nervous.”

“Well sir, themes are still popular, and heck, if it ain’t broke, why fix it? Why, the solution is more themes, of course!”

Cut to: Fun In Acapulco.

Continue reading Jenna Does Elvis #7 – Fun in Acapulco (1963) / Kissin’ Cousins (1964)